March 18, 2025
This is what the stars in the night sky are like, Little fireflies that glow in the night. A little girl looks at those fireflies and imagines herself in a starship, soaring through the sky at the speed of sound, then speed of light, she keeps speeding. In the vast emptiness...
March 18, 2025
The underground is filled with hidden things you would never expect. I dove into one of those cave systems once, once we got deep enough, whole forests extended before our eyes! Seas of blue trees, with walls lined with the purest veins of gold I had ever seen! Oh...
March 11, 2025
Under flickering lights, in stifling air, Hands stitch seams with precise care. Machines hum loud, drowning each plea, Eighteen cents per sweatshirt, their only fee. Fingers cramp, their joints in pain, Threading needles through endless strain. Fourteen hours,...
Run. Hide. Fight. It sounds like a childrens game of hide and seek. Yet although children know the name it's not a game. July 4, I got off a plane in a brand new country. I connect to the wifi and scroll through social media. Facebook is my first choice. I want to see what my...
The story runs away, almost a separate entity from its creator. Because as much as the author intended to put in their words, there are infinitely more unintentional ideas left to be discovered.
A Letter of Advice From an Unexpected Individual
My Anonymous Correspondent, Perhaps my writing to you is a surprise. I only entreat that you pay heed to my advice with the degree of solemnity it rightfully deserves.
It’s a little chilly out, the autumn breeze silencing any lingering warmth. But I’m glad to be outside with my dog, Figaro (a large black lab pitbull mix with a white tummy and paw), spending quality time with him, as my weeks get busier and busier. He happily trots in front of me...
I rolled myself out of bed, carefully hobbling towards the family room, pressing my hand against the wall for support. I tumbled onto the couch and sighed with relief, propping my head up with several pillows and resting a large ice pack over my torso. I can’t lie, it felt pretty...
In the back of my wallet, lying behind crumpled singles from my time as a pizza delivery driver, lies a single, blue Canadian five dollar bill. Canadian money is bigger than a U.S dollar so whenever I open my wallet, it catches my eye. I have no use for Canadian currency and don’t know...