It’s a little chilly out, the autumn breeze silencing any lingering warmth. But I’m glad to be outside with my dog, Figaro (a large black lab pitbull mix with a white tummy and paw), spending quality time with him, as my weeks get busier and busier. He happily trots in front of me as we walk to the park, making sure he stops to sniff and pee on every interesting rock or tree. The elementary school park and field are abandoned, so I let go of Figaro’s leash and let him wander freely. He still sticks by my side, though, as we walk through the trees and the small playground together to the large field. As we walk, I am reminded of my years at this school as a child, when he was just a baby, nothing like the eighty-pound, gray-haired senior he is now. His spirit and everything I love about him are still there (never fading), of course, but it is bittersweet thinking about us being tiny and innocent together. I have to cherish every moment with him this last year leading up to college.
little girl and puppy
carefree innocence
two seniors
When a couple and their golden retriever come through along the sidewalk, I pick up Figaro’s leash and hug him close to me, because sometimes he scares people (and dogs). But my perfect baby sits down, wagging his tail and smiling at the little family as they pass, and the woman says to us, “What a good dog!”. When they exit the park, Figaro and I walk around the field, and he looks at me like I’ve got a tennis ball (but it’s just the empty poop bag). I feel bad for a moment. Then, I realize we don’t need a ball to have fun. He’s never been great at giving them back, anyway. So I drop his leash and run in the opposite direction. Figaro’s always been a chaser, and he bounds after me, playfully growling and pretending to grab my hand. We do this for a while, before both of us are sweaty and out of breath, no longer chilled by the autumn air. I sit down on the grass, and he sniffs my face (he’s never been a licker) before he sits down next to me, almost in a protective stance. I hug his thick barrel chest and never want to let go.